Please read the privacy policies carefully before providing personal data to the website.

By submitting personal data to the website, you acknowledge that you have read and fully accepted this Privacy Policy and agree to be bound by its terms. The website can be browsed without having to reveal personal information (except age).


The purpose of having personal data of users.is to: Process, manage and fulfill any transaction. Process credit/debit card payments for goods that you acquire from SAGAV CUATRO. Comply with the delivery of your order at the address you indicate.

The data required by SAGAV CUATRO from users are: full name, date of birth, telephone, email, address, RFC, nationality and credit or debit card information.


SAGAV CUATRO hires service providers to perform services for us or for our site; In the event that this is the case, the service providers will only treat the information in accordance with instructions from Us and will implement security measures to protect your information.

By request of official requirement.

Compliance with legal procedure.


The person responsible for the processing of personal data is SAGAV CUATRO SAPI DE CV with address at CALLE MONTE ELBRUZ 132, DESPACHO 604, COLONIA LOMAS DE CHAPULTEPEC III SECCION, MIGUEL HIDALGO, CIUDAD DE MÉXICO CP 11,000.

SAGAV CUATRO must at all times observe the principles of legality, consent, information, quality. purpose, loyalty. proportionality and responsibility, provided for in the Federal Law on the protection of personal data.


Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer when browsing a specific internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some data about users who access the electronic portal of www.mezcalentrebesos.com as well as to track certain behaviors or activities.

If the visitor to the website has enabled cookies in his browser, cookies may be used to collect information about the visitor's session on the SAGAV CUATRO site.